

The Metro South/West Workforce Board is an agency that is composed of elements that synergistically work together to ensure the workforce in the Metro South/West region is healthy and thriving.

The Metro South/West Workforce Board is an intermediary that brings together businesses and public institutions to find and implement solutions to labor market problems that have been identified and to advocate for policy change while developing financing strategies. The workforce board is also a catalyst for change, executing regional initiatives, many STEM related, to ensure that job seekers are supplied with the skills to maximize their earning potential.

Metro South/West Youth Connections is an element of the workforce board that focuses on serving in-school and out-of-school youth, ages 14-25, in the region. Services include HiSET/GED, intensive case management, career exploration, paid internship opportunities, summer jobs programs and programs that appeal to youth who may not want to go to college which exposure to and training in trades and construction careers.

The MassHire Metro South/West Career Centers provide valuable help to low-income, unemployed adults looking to support their families in a competitive labor market. Job seekers are given the opportunity to upgrade their skills, making them more employable, and offered useful resources such as career counseling and resume building software. These services open countless doors and make a difference in the lives of prospective employees and employers alike.

Our Board

The Metro South/West Board is composed of influential business and community leaders who represent the 43 cities and towns in the region. The members of our Board are shaping the future of workforce development to meet the needs of employers and job seekers through strategic planning, policy development, and oversight of federal and state funds. The Board also has the broader role of addressing critical labor market issues, developing strategic public-private partnerships with local leaders, and leveraging community resources that promote economic wellness within the region. The Board oversees the provision of employment and training services to businesses and job seekers through the Career Centers in Framingham and Norwood and affiliate sites, as well as the delivery of career readiness services to young adults.



To lead the development of a dynamic workforce system for our region that advances both workers and businesses.

We can do this by:
• Communicating emerging workforce trends to our partners.
• Collaborating with our partners to address workforce needs.
• Developing effective programs to serve customers seeking jobs and
employers seeking workers.


We envision a region in which all residents and employers contribute to and benefit from a strong local economy.


We believe in the power of partnership and streamlined integration of services.
We are committed to the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, and to understanding the unique requirements and goals of the businesses and people we serve.
We build trust by consistently delivering high quality services to workers and employers at every opportunity and in every interaction.

Regional Resources

Labor Market Intelligence

Our Labor Market Intelligence page is the hub for all important labor information related to the fourty-three cities and towns that the MassHire Metro South/West Workforce Board Serves. Including:

• Unemployment Data
• Labor Supply & Demand
• Industry Data
• Business Establishment Data

Labor Market Intelligence

Metro South/West Strategic Plan 2023 - 2027

Our Strategic Plan provides an overview and history of the Board along with labor market information relevant to the forty-three cities and towns that make up our region. The plan highlights key strategic issues and contains a summary of the Needs Assessment, as well as new Guiding Principles for the organization (Mission, Vision, Values). Four Strategic Goals are identified as vital to the Board’s success, each with specific strategies and tactics.

Metro South/West Strategic Plan 2023-2027